Bespoke Oil Paintings
Gerald can produce bespoke, one of a kind oil on canvas works for private and public collections.
Working together with the client, Gerald will produce a unique, stunning oil painting of any size.
The paintings are produced using superfine French linen, and stretched on purpose built canvas stretchers. Previous works include a giant 20ft canvas using iconic imagery from Pink Floyd’s the wall, to more intimate scale pieces for clients wanting to re-create the look and feel of Scarfes Bar in their own home, any and all ideas are welcome!
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Original Works On Paper
Gerald also produces bespoke ink and watercolour works on paper.
Sized A1 (594 x 841mm / 23.4 x 33.1”), these beautiful works on paper start at £4,000 (plus VAT if applicable) and can include any imagery from Gerald’s career.
Previous works have ranged from personalised caricatures to collaborations using characters from Pink Floyd’s the wall.
Gerald is open to collaborate with clients to produce unique pieces to adorn the walls of their homes.
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